About the KRA
- work to safeguard the preservation of historic buildings and lobby for a balanced approach to urban planning.
- enhance community connections, both socially and by sharing information on issues of common interest.
- encourage community projects of benefit to Kensington, for example environmental, cultural, or artistic.
- support residents’ concerns as they arise, for example, noise, traffic, and parking.
- promote closer communication between Norwood, Payneham and St Peter’s Council and residents.
For more, see our constitution.

Just a few of our achievements:
- Establishment of Borthwick Park in 1985 and its revegetation since 2010.
- Planting of street trees in High, Bridge, and Wellington Streets, now well established.
- Annual coordination of a Kensington clean-up as part of Clean-Up Australia Day.
- Protection of many heritage buildings and declaration of Kensington as an Historic Conservation Zone.
- Annual Christmas Carol Singing around Kensington streets.
- 40th Anniversary Long Lunch Celebration in Borthwick Park and annual Pizza in the Park.
- Installation of 2 street libraries in Kensington with a third ready to install.
Get Involved
Here are 5 ways you can be involved. From hardly at all to regularly.
- Chat to us! Tell us what is important to you around Kensington; schools, trees, traffic, heritage, anything! Send us news of upcoming events, historic articles, photos…anything you think is of interest to others.
- Volunteer now and then. Join our Borthwick Park or Pioneer Park teams, join our catering group, or help distribute our newsletter.
- Start up a one-off project that’s important to you. In the past we’ve had art displays and coordinated garage sales as well as petitions to Council. What about helping older people with shopping, organising a street party or happy hour, whatever floats your boat! We’ll do our best to support you.
- Contribute your expertise. Friends of the KRA bring occasional expertise to all sorts of specialist and community projects, social media communication, architecture, education, history, art, grants, research, gardening, surveys. Tell us about yourself and your interests and we’ll discuss opportunities.
- Serve on the Committee. Attend monthly meetings and help shape our community. Email us at contact@kra.org.au with your thoughts.
We encourage all Kensington residents to be members of our Association. Membership is open to all Kensington residents and those living on the other side of the perimeter roads. Anyone living outside Kensington and its perimeter roads is most welcome as an associate member.
Membership is $15.00 per annum. To join complete a membership form and return it to the secretary. There is a fillable Word document, and a PDF for filling out by hand. Please return completed forms to 42 Regent Street, Kensington, or email to contact@kra.org.au.
Members are regularly informed of what’s happening in our suburb and ways of being involved are limited only by your imagination.

Our Committee
The Kensington Residents’ Association Committee is elected by members at the November AGM. If you are interested in joining the Committee outside the AGM, please contact our Secretary by emailing contact@kra.org.au with your expression of interest.
2025 Committee
- President: Roger Bryson
- Vice President: Peter Duffy
- Secretary: Andrew Dyson
- Treasurer: Mia Caldwell
- Committee Members: Nicholas Crouch, Jane Godsmark, John Legg, Andrew Pascoe, Jake Rowe, Liz Russell, Sara White