11 February 2022
These big green birds are popular pets in South Australia, but are native to South Asia and could become a highly invasive species in the Australian bush if left unchecked. Wild sightings have been reported in Adelaide’s suburbs – particularly southern suburbs. Green...
10 February 2022
Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped to keep the native seedlings and young plants in Borthwick Park alive with watering over summer. Hand watering started in January and will continue through to the end of March with a new team taking over every week. The...
10 February 2022
Detectorist Craig uncovering a lost artefact in Borthwick Park After repeated attempts over the last two years to find a lost watering outlet, Sonya and Craig responded to our cry for help through Facebook. Bringing their metal detector, Sonya and Craig Brocklehurst...
4 February 2022
Kicking off at 9am. Please meet in Borthwick Park with your collection of rubbish. There will be refreshments provided at lunch time.
4 February 2022
On Sunday 13 March we will descend on Borthwick Park for a working bee. Come along and bring a friend if you want to. This month we’ll be harvesting grass seeds, trimming, mulching, and weeding. New volunteers are always welcome, and no experience is required....