Resident birds
- Rainbow lorikeet
- Noisy miner (bully-boys of the park)
- White backed magpie
- Murray magpie (Mudlark)
- Eastern rosella
- Adelaide rosella
- Striated pardalote
- Kookaburra
- Crested pigeon (can be common when residents put seed)
- Boobook owl
Occasional Visitors
- Yellow tailed black cockatoo
- Red wattle bird (common in surrounding streets but occasionally seen in park)
- Grey currawong
- Pacific black duck
- Musk lorikeet (has bred in park in past)
- Blackbird (introduced species)
- Galah (common spring visitor eating Acacia pycnantha seeds)
- Little raven
- Australian white ibis (new arrival 2024)
Note that other bird species are found in surrounding streets but not in the park; largely due to bullying behaviour of Noisy Miners and Rainbow Lorikeets.
Keep an eye out in broader Kensington for New Holland Honey-eaters, Senegal (spotted) turtledoves and black-faced cuckoo shrikes, as well as sparrows and domestic pigeons.