We think Kensington is the best place to live and we hope you do too. Two Care for Kensington (CfK) community grants are available to be spent during 2024 on any project that benefits our fabulous suburb! Think environmental, cultural, artistic, social, even virtual…
Previous winners include Jerry and Sarah O’Connell (2021 adult grant) with their Rock of the Fairy project in Bridge Street, Kensington, and Sarah and Ethan (2023 children grant) with their Jump for Joy project in Regent Garden, Kensington, adjacent to McKellar Stewart kindy (pictured below with KRA Secretary/Photographer Andrew Dyson).

Grants offered
Adults (18 and over): a grant of up to $750 is available.
Children (under 18): a grant of up to $250 is available.
Anyone living in Kensington or on its perimeter roads who is a member of the KRA (or living in a KRA member’s household) is welcome to submit an application. Non-KRA members may join on payment of $15 annual fee. Committee members of the KRA are not eligible to apply for CfK grant funding.
Projects with a clear benefit to our community (not just benefitting a few individuals) will be viewed favourably.
Grant funds must be used for project expenses. Hours worked by grant recipients is not a valid expense.
How to apply?
For Guidelines and the Application form click below.
Download Guidelines
Download Application Form
Or email contact@kra.org.au or call 8331 9654 to request an application form.
Applications to be received by 30 June 2024 with successful recipients to be notified in July. Funds must be expended by 31 December 2024.
Who decides?
The KRA Committee will decide. Successful and unsuccessful grant applicants will be notified of decision.