17 Dec: Carolling in Kensington

Kensington residents and friends participate in our annual Christmas Carolling around the streets of our suburb.  Gather in Regent Garden next to McKellar Stewart kindy from 6.45pm for a 7pm start. We’ll cross over to The Kensi first for some warm up carols...

12 & 14 Nov: Compassionate Kensington Conversations

Are you concerned your older relatives, friends or neighbours may need more support? Do you require more assistance in your daily living? Do you need emotional support as a care-giver? The Compassionate Kensington Conversations are for you! Everyone is invited. These...

19 Nov: KRA Quiz Night & AGM

The KRA Quiz Night & AGM will be held on Tuesday 19th November. Register through Trybooking to attend the quiz & AGM to help with catering via this link https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1302310 Join a table or organise your neighbours to form a table...

8 Dec: Plant & Produce Share

Plant & Produce Share in Borthwick Park, Sunday 8th November, 11.30am-12.30pm (after the working bee). We’ll have a trading table set up under the shelter in Borthwick Park. Bring your excess potted plants, cuttings, seedlings, seeds and garden produce … whatever...

8 Dec: Borthwick Park working bee

You can find Borthwick Park tucked between Second Creek and Thornton, Richmond Street and Bridge Streets in Kensington 5068. This lovely green space has been the focus of a revegetation project since 2009, instigated and driven by the community of Kensington, kindly...

2 Nov: Shared Reading @ High Street Cafe

It’s National Shared Reading Week 28 October to 3 November, 2024. Street Library Australia  events will be held throughout the country to celebrate shared reading. The KRA has set up three Street Libraries in Kensington. They are actively used by our reading residents...