Bin stickers available now!

? KRA bin stickers for sale!  $10 each or free when you pay for 5 years KRA membership.   Adorn your bins with these cute reminders to slow down for safety on our streets. Stickers are available in Borthwick Park on the 2nd Sunday of every month (9-11am) or...


Ngaityalya (thankyou) to everyone who came together in Borthwick Park on Sunday 9th July for a very special and significant Kaurna ceremony. It was moving and deeply informative to hear Jack Kanya Buckskin talk, teach and sing. Steven Warrior joined with Jack in...

Another beaut reno in Kensington

The popular KRA Street Library has recently been beautifully renovated by Maesbury Street residents Andrew and Ruby. How appropriate that they finished their work during August with the SALA Festival* in full swing… the cute mushrooms on gorgeous green have...

Lovely local

Look out for these lovely locals putting on a show of winter colour in Borthwick Park. The hardy evergreen Hardenbergia violacea a.k.a native lilac, Happy Wanderer, False Sarsaparilla or Purple Coral Pea is indigenous to the Adelaide area and greater South Australia....

Another 650 plants in!

How about that?! Another 650 plants in the ground in Borthwick Park! Grasses, sedges, perennials, climbers and shrubs. All mulched and watered in. What an effort! Thanks so much to the many volunteers who got their hands dirty on Sundays 25 June and 2 July including...


Thankyou to all the wonderful volunteers who join working bees in Borthwick Park on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Between 9am and 11am we do whatever needs doing – trimming shrubs, weeding, spreading mulch, raking up – then we catch up on the neighbourhood...