Groundcovers and climbers

Enchylaena tomentose
Ruby Saltbush

Description: Small straggly woody shrub or prostrate mat up to 1m high and 1m across. Leaves cylindrical, green or grey-green and semi-succulent. Showy soft fleshy berries in various shades of red.

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or part shade and well-drained soil. Frost and drought tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Hardy and easy to establish.
  • Aboriginal use: salty sweet fruits were eaten raw.

Goodenia Amplexans
Clasping Goodenia

Description: Spreading small shrub up to 1m. Bright lime-green leaves, fleshy and sticky. Profusion of yellow flowers in summer. Perennial.

Cultivation: Prefers part shade. Prefers well-drained soil but will tolerate boggy soils. Frost and drought tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Distinctive spicy smell.
  • Can be pruned to promote growth.

Hardenbergia violacea
Native Violet

Description: Distinctive woody vine with twining stems climbing vigorously to 3m through fences or supports. Leaves dark green. Profusion of purple pea-shaped flowers in winter and spring.

Cultivation: Grows well in a variety of soils in full sun or part shade. Moderately drought and frost tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Cultivars are available in blue and white variants.
  • Train over a fence or allow it to form a scrambling low bush.
  • Aboriginal use: leaves were boiled to make a sweet drink.

Myoporum parvifolium
Creeping Boobialla

Description: Prostrate shrub forming dense mats up to 3m in diameter. Leaves rich green, thick and semi-succulent. White flowers in summer.

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or light shade. Prefers well-drained soil but tolerant of differing soil types. Frost and drought tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Useful hardy groundcover. Easy to establish.