Working bee! Borthwick Park! 2nd Sunday of every month between 9am and 11am
Since 2010 the residents of Kensington have been working together to replenish the biodiversity and beauty of Borthwick Park. This park tucked between Thornton Street, Second Creek, Bridge Street and Richmond Street is the focus of a truly community-led project supported by the good folk at Council (City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters) and Green Adelaide. Come along and see what we get up to. Bring the kids. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Jobs for all ages and abilities.
We’ll be clearing kikuyu grass and other weeds from the garden beds and doing bit of tidying up in preparation for our annual planting* of young shrubs, vines, grasses and sedges.
All tools and training provided for our wonderful volunteers. Wear suitable footwear and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one (we’ll issue you with on on the day if needed).
Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.
If you can’t manage the physical work, join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.
*Planting days are planned for Sundays 25th June, 2nd July and 9th July this year.