All News and Events
8 Dec: Plant & Produce Share
Plant & Produce Share in Borthwick Park, Sunday 8th November, 11.30am-12.30pm (after the working bee).
We’ll have a trading table set up under the shelter in Borthwick Park. Bring your excess potted plants, cuttings, seedlings, seeds and garden produce … whatever you have in abundance and would like to share.
Drop, swap and go… or stay for a while to meet a few locals and swap gardening tips. If you fancy, come a little earlier (11ish) and have a cuppa with the working bee volunteers 🙂
All leftover plants and produce will be left in the park shelter for passers-by to collect later.

8 Dec: Borthwick Park working bee
You can find Borthwick Park tucked between Second Creek and Thornton, Richmond Street and Bridge Streets in Kensington 5068. This lovely green space has been the focus of a revegetation project since 2009, instigated and driven by the community of Kensington, kindly supported by the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and Green Adelaide.
Prior to commencement of the project the majestic remnant river red gums in the park were marooned in an expanse of kikuyu grass and the creek bank was weed-choked and badly eroded.
Working bees are held on the 2nd Sunday of every month 9-11am to maintain the shrubs, vines, grasses and ground cover understorey established over the past 15 years.
Join us in the park on Sunday 8th December between 9am and 11am. We’ll be topping up mulch to keep soil moisture in and weeds out, tip pruning shrubs, evicting pesky feral grasses, hose-watering the newer plantings, maybe constructing a native bee hotel if time allows… whatever needs doing!
Volunteering locally is a great way to meet new people in your neighbourhood. Bring the kids. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Jobs for all ages and capabilities. No prior gardening experience necessary. All training and tools are provided. Wear enclosed footwear, hat and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one or we’ll issue you with on on the day.
If you can’t manage physical gardening work, you are most welcome to join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you!

2 Nov: Shared Reading @ High Street Cafe
It’s National Shared Reading Week 28 October to 3 November, 2024.
Street Library Australia events will be held throughout the country to celebrate shared reading.
The KRA has set up three Street Libraries in Kensington. They are actively used by our reading residents of all ages. Join us at an event that celebrates Street Libraries and shared reading in Kensington.
Where: at the High Street Café Street Library – Phillips St
When: from 10am on Saturday 2 November, 2024
Reading to children: from 10 am residents will read picture books to children. This will be both a group and one-to-one activity. Rugs and children’s books galore to encourage and celebrate shared reading.
Reading for all: come and listen to stories of life in historic Kensington read aloud for all to enjoy.
Who doesn’t love a good story? Who doesn’t love a book? Who doesn’t love a good coffee? Come and listen. Come and read. Let’s celebrate shared reading and Street Libraries together.
Stay on to enjoy the music that follows: 11am, High Street Live.

13 Oct: Borthwick Park working bee
Borthwick Park – a lovely green space bounded by Thornton Street, Richmond Street, Bridge Street and Second Creek – is the focus of a community-led project supported by the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and Green Adelaide.
Borthwick Park working bees are held on the 2nd Sunday of every month 9-11am. Come along on Sunday 13th October and see what we get up to.
Most likely we’ll be pulling weeds and topping up mulch where soil was left exposed during our winter planting.
Volunteering locally is a great way to meet new people in your neighbourhood. Bring the kids. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Jobs for all ages and capabilities. No prior gardening experience necessary. All training and tools are provided.
Wear enclosed footwear and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one or we’ll issue you with on on the day.
Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.
If you can’t manage physical gardening work, you are most welcome to join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.

10 Nov: Plant & Produce Swap
Pop-up Plant & Produce Swap in Borthwick Park, Sunday 10th November, 11.30am-12.30pm (after the working bee).
We’ll have a trading table set up under the shelter in Borthwick Park.
Bring your excess potted plants, cuttings, seedlings, seeds and garden produce e.g. citrus, berries, veggies, herb bunches… whatever you have in abundance and would like to share.
A good chance to meet local gardeners and exchange tips & garden goodies!

10 Nov: Working Bee 9-11am
Borthwick Park is the focus of a community-led revegetation project supported by the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and Green Adelaide. Find this lovely green space tucked between Thornton Street, Richmond Street, Bridge Street and Second Creek in Kensington.
Working bees are held on the 2nd Sunday of every month 9-11am to maintain the shrubs, vines, grasses and ground cover understorey plantings established since 2009. Prior to commencement of the project the majestic remnant river red gums in the park were marooned in a sea of kikuyu grass.
Join us in the park on Sunday 10th November between 9am and 11am. Most likely we’ll be pulling weeds, topping up mulch, tip pruning shrubs, perhaps some hose-watering. whatever needs doing! Volunteering locally is a great way to meet new people in your neighbourhood. Bring the kids. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Jobs for all ages and capabilities. No prior gardening experience necessary. All training and tools are provided. Wear enclosed footwear, hat and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one or we’ll issue you with on on the day.
Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.
If you can’t manage physical gardening work, you are most welcome to join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.

20 Oct: Pizza In the Park
Join the annual Pizza in the Park community gathering! Free wood oven pizza for KRA members!
Where? Borthwick Park, Thornton St Kensington
When? 20th October 2024, from 4pm til dark
This is a family friendly event and a perfect opportunity to invite new friends or neighbours to meet other locals and make new connections.
Bring your picnic chairs, drinks and plates/cutlery if you want them. The KRA committee will make and serve pizza until everyone is happily full.
To help with catering, register the number of people you’re bringing to Pizza in the Park and alert us to any dietary needs through Trybooking:
QR Code:

Not a KRA member yet? No worries! It’s just $15/household/year to join. Click here to download a membership form. Payment options are listed on the form. Return your completed form to our Secretary at 42 Regent Street or email to … or join at Pizza in the Park!

5 Oct: Explore Fauna and Flora Festival
Guided tour of Borthwick Park, arranged by Norwood, Payneham & St Peters Council, led by KRA Committee member Nicholas.
2.30pm – 3.30pm

15 Sep: “Come & Try Bowls” with KRA at Tranmere
UPDATE!! Following a flurry of registrations this event is happening!!
Bring your family and friends and “Come & Try Bowls” with the Kensington Residents’ Association on Sunday 15th September, 1-5pm, at the Tranmere Bowling Club, 1 Kings Grove, Tranmere. No lawn bowling skills are needed, just come and enjoy a social afternoon. Families with children are very welcome.
The club will provide a free sausage sizzle. Drinks may be purchased from the bar at very reasonable prices. No previous lawn bowling skills are needed, it’s just for fun! Comfortable casual dress is best. Wear shoes with flat soles for bowling or bowl barefoot or in socks.
This is a FREE EVENT but to cater for the occasion we need to know numbers. Register through Trybooking using this link or phone Andrew Dyson on 8331 9654.
8 Sep: Borthwick Park working bee
Borthwick Park – a lovely green space bounded by Thornton Street, Richmond Street, Bridge Street and Second Creek – is the focus of a community-led project supported by the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and Green Adelaide.
Borthwick Park working bees are held on the 2nd Sunday of every month 9-11am. Come along on Sunday 8th September and see what we get up to.
Most likely we’ll be pulling weeds and topping up mulch where soil was left exposed during our winter planting.
Volunteering locally is a great way to meet new people in your neighbourhood. Bring the kids. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Jobs for all ages and capabilities. No prior gardening experience necessary. All training and tools are provided.
Wear enclosed footwear and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one or we’ll issue you with on on the day.
Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.
If you can’t manage physical gardening work, you are most welcome to join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.