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11 Jun: Borthwick Park Working Bee

Working bee! Borthwick Park! 2nd Sunday of every month between 9am and 11am

Since 2010 the residents of Kensington have been working together to replenish the biodiversity and beauty of Borthwick Park. This park tucked between Thornton Street, Second Creek, Bridge Street and Richmond Street is the focus of a truly community-led project supported by the good folk at Council (City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters) and Green Adelaide. Come along and see what we get up to. Bring the kids. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Jobs for all ages and abilities.

We’ll be clearing kikuyu grass and other weeds from the garden beds and doing bit of tidying up in preparation for our annual planting* of young shrubs, vines, grasses and sedges.

All tools and training provided for our wonderful volunteers. Wear suitable footwear and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one (we’ll issue you with on on the day if needed).

Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.

If you can’t manage the physical work, join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.

*Planting days are planned for Sundays 25th June, 2nd July and 9th July this year.

21 May: Multicultural Festival

When? Sunday 21 May from 12pm

Where? Marryatville Primary School

Who? Everyone!

Why? To celebrate all our cultural backgrounds

Bring? Your favourite national dish to share, picnic chairs or rugs, drinks for your family

Tables will be provided to lay out your food for sharing with everyone at this Kensington community event. Some seating will be provided.

If you would like to perform a song or dance from your cultural background for the enjoyment of the gathering please email or phone Andrew on 83319654

Download the Multicultural Festival Flyer to share with friends.

14 May: Mothers Day working bee

Our next Borthwick Park working bee is on Sunday 14th May, 9-11am. It’s Mothers Day so let’s get motherly….

Whiz about and tidy things up!

Tuck in our baby shrubs (with mulch)!

Have a bit of a natter!

And spread the love in Borthwick Park!

Jobs for all ages and abilities. Bring the kids! Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. We’ll likely have some mulch to barrow, bucket and spread, plenty of cheeky weeds to pull out of the garden beds, a bit of tidying up amongst the shrubs…. if we get a few terracotta or earthenware pipes donated we can set up some refuges to help lizards and frogs to shelter from predators.

All tools and training provided for our wonderful volunteers. Wear suitable footwear and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one (we’ll issue you with on on the day if needed).

Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.

If you can’t manage the physical work, join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.

16 April: Borthwick Park working bee

Our next Borthwick Park working bee is on Sunday 16th April, 9-11am. Jobs for all ages and abilities. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Bring the kids! We’ll likely have some mulch to barrow, bucket and spread, plenty of cheeky kikuyu grass to pull out of the garden beds, a bit of tidying up amongst the shrubs…. if we get a few terracotta or earthenware pipes donated we can set up some refuges to help lizards and frogs to shelter from predators.

All tools and training provided for our wonderful volunteers. Wear suitable footwear and clothing. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one (we’ll issue you with on on the day if needed).

Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.

If you can’t manage the physical work, join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.

Community working bees held since 2009 have dramatically increased the biodiversity and amenity of Borthwick Park or Karra Yarta, river red gum country.
This photo shows the bare banks of Second Creek newly planted with indigenous plant species.

23 March: CASA meeting




Join CASA for ‘Sustainable Housing for the Future’ – a presentation and discussion by Greg O’Grady and Paul Bana, followed by business of the CASA General Meeting and tea/coffee/supper. Contact CASA Treasurer Tom Matthews on 0429 337 453 for more information.

Premier Malinauskas recently announced that 24,000 new houses will be built over time but will they be user friendly?

Greg O’Grady is an electrical engineer by profession, but domestic building construction and energy efficiency is his passion. Greg’s interest extends from looking after and properly treating the old buildings, doing whatever he can to make sure that anything built today (or planned to be built) will be actually worth building: something that will be thermally comfortable, truly energy efficient, and ultimately last the test of time. Paul Bana is an energy efficiency consultant and trainer with hands-on experience of over 20 years, having worked across Australia, Northern Europe, and India. After moving to South Australia in 2008, Paul continued helping households, businesses, and individuals on their journey to more sustainable living, and energy management. Paul leads training and development activities at South Australian company Your Energy Saving Solutions Pty Ltd (YESS), and delivers Home Scorecard Assessor Training nationally, under a contract with Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action of Victoria.

12 March: Working Bee & Morning Tea

Our next Borthwick Park working bee is on Sunday 12th March, 9-11am. This month we’re spreading mulch, weeding and hopefully creating a few refuges for lizards and frogs on the creekbank if John’s received any donations of terracotta pipes.

Jobs for all ages and abilities. Tools and full training provided for all volunteers. Wear suitable footwear and clothing and bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one (we will issue you with one on the day if need be). Bring a friend. Bring a neighbour. Bring the kids.

Can’t manage the physical work? Not to worry, just join us for a cuppa from 11am. The KRA Committee prepare tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats… we’d love to see you.

See you there! Call John for more info on 0422 909 710.

5 March: Clean Up Australia

Clean Up Australia Day is on again in March. KRA is organising the annual volunteer clean-up of Kensington on Sunday 5th March 2023.

The main effort will be conducted from Borthwick Park, Thornton Street from 9am on Sunday, wrapping up with a BBQ lunch at noon. All welcome but let us know if you are coming for catering purposes.

For those who prefer to clean up a designated section of Kensington prior to Sunday, bags will be available for collection from Friday evening (March 3rd) from High Street, Kensington. Address provided as required.

Please register to join our clean-up by emailing Andrew at

You’ll be joining Australia’s largest community-based environmental event, held annually on the first Sunday in March. To learn more about this fabulous national institution started over 30 years ago by an Aussie bloke who just wanted to make a difference click here.

12 Feb: Working Bee

The first Borthwick Park working bee for 2023 will be held 9am-11am on Sunday 12th February. We will be spreading mulch as well as the usual tidying up and boundary patrol.

We are looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces. Morning tea provided.

Borthwick Park working bees are held on the second Sunday of the month.

5 Feb: Movie fundraiser at The Regal Theatre


Sunday 5 February 2023, 4pm – 7pm for drinks and nibbles with raffles and silent auction, following by screening of What’s Love Got To Do With It? at The Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Road.

Swiping right has only delivered an endless stream of Mr. Wrongs for documentary-maker and dating app addict Zoe (Lily James) to the dismay of her eccentric mother Cath (Emma Thompson). For Zoe’s childhood friend and neighbour Kaz (Shazad Latif) the answer is to follow his parents’ example and opt for an arranged (or “assisted”) marriage to a bright and beautiful bride from Pakistan. As Zoe films his journey to marry a stranger, she begins to wonder if she might have something to learn from a profoundly different approach to finding love. Striking a touching balance between respect for cultural customs and belief in the power of romance What’s Love Got to Do with It? offers an impassioned take on the notion of love, romance and finding that special someone.

Here’s the official trailer!

Get your complimentary glass of wine and nibbles when doors open from 4pm. Great raffle prizes and silent auction bargains. Film starts at 5pm and finishes at 6:45pm

All profits from the event will be used to fund KRA activities and insurance premiums.

Buy your tickets now from Eventbrite or the KRA committee … and we’ll see you at the Regal Theatre on 5th February from 4pm.

    12 Dec: Carols in Kensington

    Kensington residents and friends are invited to join our annual Christmas Carolling around the streets of our suburb on Monday 12th December.

    Led by fabulous pipers and choirmaster William, we will start in the little park opposite the Kensington Hotel (intersection of Regent & Thornton Streets) at 6:45pm and end up at the Rising Sun at about 8:30pm.

    No singing talent required, just plenty of enthusiasm! Be sure to dress for the weather and consider joining the thirsty singers for a drink at the Rising Sun afterwards.

    Contact us if you’d like the carol singers to pause and sing outside your home and we’ll do our best to make it happen.