Ready for a break from the festive whirl? Need to ‘earth’ yourself and spend some time in nature?
Join the Borthwick Park summer watering roster!
Spend some peaceful time watering our newest plantings, watching the birds frolic in the River Redgums, and maybe meet a few locals to-ing and fro-ing through this magical green space.
Simply email our Secretary at to volunteer to hose-water once (or more if you like) during December-March. Please advise any dates you aren’t available.
Once the roster is finalised you’ll be advised which week and which zone of the park you’ve been allocated to water. The mid-year plantings (small or staked plants) and any stressed plants need to be watered just once in your allocated week and the task should take no more than 1-2 hours… choose your best time to water.
If you’ve not watered in the park before, we’ll arrange a time to show you the water points and all the hoses and connections stored in the park shed. We have a handy trolley to wheel the hoses to the water points.
See you in the park this summer!