Tuesday 21st November, 7:15 for 7:30pm start
Mary MacKillop Bethany Centre, 4 High Street
All Kensington residents are invited to attend the 2023 Kensington Residents Association Annual General Meeting.
Note: only KRA members can vote during the AGM. Membership costs just $15/household/year and you can join before the AGM starts if you wish.
This event will include:
- President’s report including slide show of photos from the year’s activities
- Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
- 15 minute presentation by Guest Speaker
- Social supper including tea, coffee or wine after AGM closes
Amanda Balmer, Kensington resident, landscape architect and director of WAX Design will be the Guest Speaker at the 2023 KRA AGM.
Amanda believes in creating landscapes that bring joy to people and generate opportunities for people to connect with nature. She will speak about several recent WAX Design projects which may provide inspiration for a possible re-featuring of Pioneer Park to create a more usable outdoor space for our community.