The Kensington Residents’ Association acknowledges the Kaurna People as the Traditional Owners of the land now known as Kensington.
We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture, and traditions of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also live on this land.

Welcome to the KRA

The Kensington Residents’ Association Incorporated (KRA) represents the residents of Kensington, the small historic Adelaide suburb with the unusual diagonal street pattern.

The KRA was established in 1977 and is one of the oldest residents’ associations in South Australia. We represent all residents of Kensington – home owners, renters and businesses alike – working to enhance social connections across the suburb, sharing information and fostering community identity.  We represent residents at local and state government levels on everything from heritage laws to traffic, from street trees to rubbish collection, and much more.

Membership costs $15 per year and is open to all Kensington residents and those living on the other side of the perimeter roads. Pay 5 years membership, receive a free bin sticker while stocks last!

How to join? Download a fillable Word version of the KRA membership form by clicking here or download a PDF version to print by clicking here or email to request a form. Payment options are listed on the form. Make payment and return your completed form to our Secretary at 42 Regent Street or email to

Anyone living outside Kensington is most welcome to enjoy the benefits of KRA membership as an associate member but will be unable to vote at our AGM or join the KRA Committee.

Check out our Aims and Achievements and the many ways to Get Involved.


Upcoming Events

13 Apr: Borthwick Park working bee

13 Apr: Borthwick Park working bee

Working bees are held in Borthwick Park on the 2nd Sunday of every month 9-11am. Join us on Sunday 13th April for gardening from 9am and morning tea from 11am. All welcome!
*** click photo for more details ***

21 Jun: Winter Solstice @ The Kensi

21 Jun: Winter Solstice @ The Kensi

Save the date! Winter Solstice celebration at The Kensi Hotel, June 21st, featuring PubSing community singing and open mike entertainment. Click pic for some detail, more info coming soon!

Strike for Borthwick Park

Strike for Borthwick Park

You can help revegetate Borthwick Park from the comfort of your own backyard. Strike a batch of cuttings! Click photo for more details.

Recent News

Reimagining Pioneer Park

Reimagining Pioneer Park

For over 12 months KRA has been working with WAX Design investigating how to increase the accessibility and amenity of Pioneer Park… click image for more info.

Street Libraries

Street Libraries

Take a book, leave a book, share a book in Kensington. Click the pic to find out where the KRA’s Street Libraries are …